What a person does for a living does not necessarily define who they are as a person. Many people simply hold their jobs to pay their bills and fund whatever else truly interests them. But, what a person does in their own free time speaks volumes about who they are. In the time that they get to choose what they do shows what they are passionate about. While Stanton Defreitas is an international business consultant for a living, he is also an author that discusses topics that affect everyday life for everyday people.Stanton Defreitas has a primary focus and knowledge base that comes from world events.
While some like to work off of presumptions, Stanton Defreitas likes to work off of facts. He tends to write about the developments that can impact how we live our daily lives based on these events around the world. Because Stanton Defreitas loves to travel internationally, he is able to keep abreast of what is happening internationally. Knowing that you cannot take it with you, Stanton Defreitas strives to gather rich experiences which is a balance that he brings to his clients as a international business consultant. In addition to the topics of world events and developments, he is also passionate about international sports. All things international are of interest to him and he tends to be incredibly focused and passionate about the things that interest him.