Sunday, 5 February 2017

Profile: Stanton DeFreitas

Being a great businessman is not Stanton DeFreitas’ main goal. Of course, he wants to be the best, but he would feel that way about anything he did. He wants to share the knowledge he has gained over his lifetime with the world in a way that makes everything better for everyone. Stanton DeFreitas would like everyone in the world to benefit from the same lessons learned as a child, growing up in the incredibly diverse Scarborough section of Toronto. As a Canadian citizen with Caribbean roots, he appreciated being exposed to such an environment during his formative years. He believes that having been exposed to a wide variety of traditions and cultures and embracing them has made him an excellent businessman and a better person.

Because Stanton DeFreitas could experience and witness a wide variety of cultures, he now understands that everyone, wherever they come from, is a citizen of the world and not just the country they call home. He believes that everyone should try to broaden their horizons in every way; spiritually, academically and culturally. It is with that approach in mind that Stanton DeFreitas uses his business travels, which cover the world, to become more than an entrepreneur.

Stanton DeFreitas wants to become a writer, so that he can talk to people about many issues he believes are most important to society. Among the subjects he wants to write about include a lot more than just global current events. He also wants to write about international travel and international sporting events. He’d also like to write about personal health and wellness. Basically, he’d like to show people how we can work better together, among the various world cultures. Often, we one culture finds a solution to a problem by examining another culture. Sticking within our own culture, we'll never learn about that.